Holiday lights as seen from horse-drawn carriage |
This was our second Christmas on the road, away from home
and in the southern part of the United States. It’s easy to be oblivious to the
holidays when you are away from home, but we saw some beautiful holiday lights
in San Antonio and the next day decided to head north to Johnson City, first stop
along the Hill Country Holiday Lighting Trail. We arrived at dusk, just in time to snag a
place at a bar for the Seahawks game (not hard, since no one else was watching
it) and to watch the lights come on around town. It turns out that a lot of
Texans go to Johnson City for the lights and music, and for good reason. We
really found the holiday spirit (after the Seahawk win) as we clambered onto a
carriage and let Priscilla the Clydesdale take us around the colorful streets.
Janna communes with LBJ |
Since we were in the neighborhood we decided to visit the
Lyndon Baines Johnson Ranch and we found a quiet, off road picnic area to
boondock. Texas is most accommodating of weary travelers and most rest stops
and waysides are welcoming for overnighters. After driving the ranch we made a
slight detour to visit the historic dance hall at Luckenbach. Liz resisted the
temptation to get out her fiddle and play the empty stage as she would have had
to disturb a coterie of roosters that were strutting their stuff. Instead we
headed across the Pecos River to the tiny crossroads known as Langtry. The town had a colorful historical character
there named Judge Roy Bean who dispensed western justice and liquor from his
saloon which is restored and serves as a museum. We boondocked there (with permission) in the Community Center
parking lot.
Two Texas Grand Dames: Hallie Stillwell and Gov. Ann Richards |
Then it was off to
Big Bend National Park, where we spent the first night at the Stillwell Ranch just
outside of this very remote, huge and beautiful park. Hallie Crawford Stillwell
was a Texas Justice of the Peace and a great friend of Governor Ann Richards.
She ran the 22,000 acre ranch for 30 years after her husband died, until she passed
away in 1997 at the age of 99. A small museum houses her memorabilia and we checked
out a key at the camp store to tour it. Liz was happy to spend the rest of the
afternoon wandering around the high desert looking for agates and carnelian. As
opposed to the national park, it is legal to collect on the ranch property, 50
cents a pound for any rocks you want to take with you.
Mexican craft cache in Big Bend National Park |
Big Bend National Park is the most serene and silent place
we have ever been. According to the dark skies ranger lecture we attended, it
also affords viewing of the most stars because it is so far from city lights.
We enjoyed a couple of days of exploring and were touched by the openness of
the border between the park and Mexico. An official pedestrian border crossing
to the tiny village of Boquilles del Carmen was recently reopened there and
it’s possible to hail a rowboat to come across
if you want to visit. The rowboat sounded doable but the subsequent ride to the
village on horseback, or if you prefer, in the back of a pickup truck, gave
Janna enough misgivings that we stayed on the US side. One morning we hiked on
the Lookout Trail above the Rio Grande and watched a man on horseback come
across the river to replenish the little caches of hand-made Mexican crafts
that are illegally located in the park. Americans camping in the park pick them
up and leave money in a jar. We visited with a young American woman who was repairing the trail and,
as we watched a Mexican family walk along the other side of the river, she
hollered "Hola" and “Buenos dias” and they happily hollered back the same.
"Restacked" building in Terlingua |
Driving west out of the park we enjoyed the dips and rolls
of the famous River Road which ended in the tiny towns of Study Butte
(pronounced “Stoody Buy-oot”) and
"Terlingua Ghost Town". Originally settled as Spanish missions,
then nineteenth century mining operations, these places currently support a
most amazing array of artists, naturalists and desert rats. We were surprised
by the well-stocked organic Cottonwood Grocery in Study Butte and amused by the
musicians playing in front of the Trading Company in Terlingua. There are
some contemporary houses and business structures in this town, created by
“restacking” rock from the ruins, and used mostly by venders catering to
tourists. The flourishing arts scene was very attractive and if one can somehow
avoid the 110-degree summers, it might be an interesting place to investigate
Chinati Gallery houses Judd's artwork in old barracks |
Our next destination was Marfa, made famous by the arrival
of minimalist artist Donald Judd in the 1970’s and the arts scene that has
developed around his huge installations. Since it was Sunday again and we were
in a quandary as to where we might watch the game, Liz came up with the idea of
stopping at a motel to see if we could somehow pay a small fee and watch it in
the lobby. The young couple managing the
motel turned out to be an unexpected delight and, by the end of our visit, our
latest new friends. Both were former collegiate
athletes, she a basketball scholarship recipient from Russia and he a football
receiving end from California. We loved them both and found lots to talk about
besides a place to watch the game. After
some careful deliberation and a phone call to the owner, they rented us a room
for four hours to watch the Seahawks beat the Cardinals. In the bargain we got showers
and a plug-in for the overnight in Lilypad. Cameron and Elena are an energetic and smart couple who are looking for
a good place to settle and raise a family. We gave them leads for various
hospitality venues back in the islands and hope we will be seeing them again, perhaps
this summer in Friday Harbor.
Yikes! Whiteout at McDonald Observatory |
Leaving Marfa, we stopped to see the town of Alpine, then
headed north to the McDonald Observatory operated by the University of Texas.
Unfortunately as we ascended the mountain it began to snow and we were just
able to hear a talk and slide show about the sun, plus another giving us a
glimpse of the workings of the Hobby- Eberle telescope, one of the largest in
the world. By then, the weather was in
white-out conditions so we hightailed it down the mountain, sad to miss the
program about the stars and the milky way.
Gorgeous Christmas Day hike in Hueco Tanks |
A night at the beautiful Guadalupe Mountains National Park
and then it was on to our Christmas destination, Hueco Tanks Historical State Park. This fascinating place has the largest collection of pictographs in North
America, some dating back 8,000 years. Subsequent visitors have also left their
marks on the tumble of volcanic rocks that shelter several springs in the
middle of the high desert. The park takes its stewardship task very seriously
and only a few visitors are allowed in daily to camp or hike and only after
watching an orientation video and signing many pieces of paper. The other
appeal of the park is that it is an internationally known rock climbing site so
at 8am on Christmas morning we gathered in the ranger station with a crowd of
German speaking young people to receive our daily permit to venture beyond the
campground and into the back-country. It was a lovely Christmas, biking and
hiking in weather that reached 60 degrees, then cozy time in Lilypad singing, opening presents, and talking to family. Truly a happy holiday in West Texas. Happy Holidays and a peaceful 2015 to all of
Liz and Janna, we saw your comment on our blog (http://LifeRebooted.net/). It does look like we're on the same path! Big Bend... Terlingua... Fort Davis... and now Tucson. We're here in Catalina for another 6 nights (campground B), hope we run into you and can say hi! -Mike